We, Dr. Navin Gupta MD and Dr. Sanjay Gupta MD are a team of ophthalmologists who have built and developed two eye care centers in opposite parts of India. Dr. Sanjay Gupta runs Anjali Eye Care Center at Howrah, a city connected to Calcutta by a beautiful bridge. I, Dr. Navin Gupta am in charge of Shankar Netrika Eye Center situated right in the heart of Bombay (Mumbai).

Dr Navin Gupta Examining a post op day 1 patient at Rishikesh Camp

Anjali Eye Care Center is collaborating with two major agencies for providing high quality eye care to the under privileged people of the Howrah and Hoogly districts. One agency is Santa Barbara-based SEE (Surgical Eye Expeditions) which assigns teams to recognized surgical sites like Anjali Eye Care Center. Besides providing aid to poor people SEE is also a skill-transfering system where surgeons can get to learn aspects if surgeries which they might have missed out in their training. The other is DBCS-District Blindness Control Society of Howrah which is a government based organization. It has officially approved the center and provides monetary compensation for each cataract surgery performed on the socioeconomic under privileged patients.

Eye Camp under the auspices of SEE

Patients-in-waiting at Anjali Eye Center
Dr. Sanjay Gupta is a highly skilled anterior segment surgeon. He has performed over 2000 phaco surgeries and over 10,000 SICS (small incision cataract surgery) . He also does micro phacos (phaconit) and has done over 200 of them. Besides, he does anti-glaucoma surgeries and corneal transplantations. He has a highly trained team of para medical which allows him to perform phaco surgeries at the rate of 6 to 8 cases per hour!! You have to see to believe it! The hospital also has an entire wing to keep the patients over night after surgery. They are seen 1 day post operatively and discharged with free treatment. He operates on average around 70 cases per day, but due to ever increasing flow of patients, on some days it goes as high as one hundred per day. Despite the high volume, utmost priority is given to the quality of surgeries.
Dr. Sanjay Gupta can be contacted at russia007us@yahoo.com and at russia007us@hotmail.com
This is what Dr. Sanjay has to say to his future students:
I congratulate you first of all on being at the doorstep of being a phaco Surgeon.
I would humbly explain to you that conducting FREE EYE CAMPS ( Screening and Operative) Have very high costs and to give the best possible training to Doctors needs lot of time and patience. I will be at all time be with you at the OR and you can be rest assured that this is the Best Possible Centre in India where you will get the highest standards of training. We train around 40 Doctors each year and I can assure you that there is not even one who is not satisfied with our training.

We are specifically catering our programs for International Surgeons who are coming from nations as diverse as Russia, Romania, Italy, Greece, Egypt, Syria and of course the United States .

Dr. Sanjay Gupta examining a patient in his clinic
At the American Academy of Ophthalmology 2009 in San Francisco with our partner SEE International.
Meeting up with Peter Solar.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta operates at two tables for his high volume rate
Shankar Netrika EyeCare Center in Bombay is a commercial type of set up. I am a medical retina consultant having completed my medical retina fellowship at University of California, Irvine under the mentorship of Dr. Barry Kuppermann. The chief of the department of ophthalmology was the well known refractive surgeon Dr. Steinert. I can be contacted at +91 9920044620. You can e mail me at navinovich2000@yahoo.com
Anjali Eye Care Center is the place where we conduct phaco training and SICS training for our visiting surgeons. In our phaco traning program, our candidates are given one-to-one hands-on training personally supervised by Dr. Sanjay Gupta. We recommend our trainees to do at least 40 cases in a span of 2 or 3 weeks. The training will be step-by-step, first letting u get the feel of phaco probe and then the hang of foot pedals. Foot pedal control is crucial to mastering phaco. To begin with, you will be given trenching. It will really help us if you are pre trained in making capsulorhexis, but if not, do not fret. We are there for you. All candidates must send their CV with their application and let us know candidly how much of surgical experience they have. This will help us set your pace of learning and plan the right strategy. We will tailor the program for each candidate depending upon your prior skill and experience.

New Megatron Phaco machine from Geuder
Its understood that the first few cases will be assisted and not totally independent. How soon you advance to doing totally independent surgeries depends a lot on you. So Dr. Sanjay Gupta will be standing next to you watching all your actions on the TV monitor. We understand the mind set of trainees, the hardhips and the expense it takes to travel to a foreign country and culture and we are willing to be flexible. We can shorten or lengthen the phaco program. Some surgeons have done a combined double course of 50 cases in one sitting. We will try to make it as convenient as we can for you.

Spacious Operating Room with Zeiss OPMI 1FR Microscope
Fully Furnished Air Conditioned Room With Attached Bathroom for Trainees-This facility is provided within the training center. These comforts of within-campus stay and meals ensures that our trainees concentrate on their projects and put all their efforts on learning and skill aquisition. The facility has coffee maker, microwave oven and refrigerator. You will get our home-made meals.