Phaco Training: Combined Phaco Vitrectomy by Dr. Vishal Agrawal for an eye with Cataract + ERM (TA-assisted vitrectomy + Tryphan Blue Staining + ERM peeling + BBG Staining + ILM Peeling + FAE)
Phaco Training: Dr. Ramamurthy Manages a Case of Subluxated IOL + Zonular Dialysis of Capsular Bag By Explanting the Entire Bag/IOL/CTR Complex followed by anterior vitrectomy followed by implantation of Iris-Claw Lens
Phaco Training: Dr. Vishal Agrawal Implants a Secondary 3-Piece Foldable IOL in an Eye lacking Capsular Technique using the Modified Yamane Technique where the Haptics are Cauterized to Ball to Serve as Anchors to their Optics