Author Archives: admin
Phaco Training: Dr. Vasavada Abhaykumar Raghukant presents “Posterior Polar Cataract (without Nuclear Sclerosis & with Nuclear Sclerosis)
Phaco Training: Dr. Prateek Jain performs SICS and Shows Entire Surgery without Editing
Phaco Training: Dr. Sourabh Patwardhan shows a Case of PPC with Fluid Misdirection
Phaco Training: Dr. J. S. Tityal presents “Step by Step Phacoemulsification & Management of Subluxated Lens”
Phaco Training: Changing Operating Room Practices: The Effect on Postoperative Endophthalmitis Rates following Cataract Surgery by Aravind Haripriya, Ravilla D Ravindran, Alan L Robin , Aakriti Garg Shukla, David F Chang