Phaco Training: Dr. Parul Sony presents: “Preventing Complications: Preop, Intra-op, and Post-op Care”
Phaco Training: Dr. Surbi Taneja presnts: “Maculopathy Post-Trabeculectomy – Should I Operate, if Yes then When & How?”
Phaco Training: Pupil-Snap Sign – Sudden Deepening of AC during Hydro with Sudden-Momentarily Pupil Constriction indicating PC Rent
Phaco Training: Dr. Harsh Kumar presents “Should I do a Combined or only Trabeculectomy/Cataract Alone in this Patient?”
Phaco Training: Dr. Manish Shantilal Shah presents: “Should I Continue Maximum Medical Therapy (what is it?) or Should I Push Patient for Surgery?”